Friday, February 14, 2014

Your blessings... your destiny... yours!

I read something online this morning from Tryrese Gibson.  I didn't know that the brother was saved!  But he dropped a bomb in my spirit this morning.  The Bible says we should NOT compare ourselves to others.  (amp. ver) "However, when they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely."  We shouldn't spend our time looking at the lives of others and basing our successes or failures upon the lives of others.  The Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:15 " To one he gave five talents [probably about $5,000], to another two, to another one—to each in proportion to his own [a]personal ability. Then he departed and left the country...."  God gives us only what we can handle.  We shouldn't allow what's happening in someone else's life be our guide or our goal.  God gives us according to our individual ability.  Your highest achievable goal may not be what's best for me or even what I can handle.  But trusting God will take me to the place where I am filled to to fullest.  What Mr. Tyrese shared was that "God will never give you something that belongs to someone else..."  And as I listened to that, God hit me with something else.  "God will never give someone else something that belongs to YOU!"  What God has for you is for YOU.  And it will fulfill and satisfy you on a level beyond your imagination.  But it won't be what someone else has.  It will be what is PERFECT for you. These will be Your blessings... your destiny... everything that is yours!


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Resist Project Video Promo

Wow... been a long time.  Please forgive me!  I have been buried in the "business" of music.  It is an annoying task where you have to convince people that the music that God has given you is worthy of their attention.  Audiences love the music.  People are being ministered to.  But since it doesn't sound like "JohnkirkP.HammondMcClurkinFredFranklinDonnieKee" they have to think about it.  So we are truly focused on "telling a story" which means I'll be traveling to every venue that will allow me to come sing God's praises.  The reason being to let everybody hear and experience the "nouveau praise" and show the industry's elite that this is real!  Hopefully we'll be coming to a place near you and soon!  I'm not discouraged. I'm more determined now than ever - so don't you worry.  The only difference now is every time you turn around you may be seeing my infectious smile gleeming back at you!  :D  see?  You smiled just then, I saw ya!  LOL.  God bless you.  Thank you for being patient with me... for believing in me and sticking with me. We'll have a new video shoot soon and I'll invite whoever can make it... We'll try to make sure everybody gets a cameo!  In the meantime, check out the video promo for the "Resist" project!  Lemme know whatcha think!


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 