Friday, December 5, 2014

We Been Busy!

Hello All!

I have an excuse this time, I've been CRAZY busy.  I just finished the first book of the "Honor Code" trilogy.  Its my first published Novel, coming to a book store near you.  Its action adventure with a romantic subplot (just for you ladies).  Its in the hands of my publisher now and hopefully she won't carve it up too much.  I'm taking a script writing course so that I will be able to intelligently contribute to the "Honor Code" script just in case this becomes a movie (I know it will).  I just finished a Jazz EP that will probably end up being a full blow Jazz Album.  There's a record deal on the table for that and we're trying to hear from God as to whether or not we'll sign it.  I had a show in Bennetsville, SC (yes, we played there and I still don't know where it is... LOL j/k) We are re-working the video for "Won't Back Down" as its gotten cold and we can't shoot it outside anymore.  But we shall see...  whew!  Speaking of Won't Back Down"  After the show in Bennettsville, SC (I was DOG SICK but ripped it anyway), I met the program director for iamgospelradio and he asked for a track.  I sent him WBD and he immediately put it in rotation.  I also cut a drop for their station and they LOVED it.  God is good!  This is moving and I am so grateful for all the support you all have been giving me.  I will keep up this blog better now that I have a little more time on my hands.  As these show's kick up, I'll start sending you guys videos and pics from the road.  Please pray for a brother!

We got a new station now! So PLEASE request "Won't Back Down" by Curtis Wayne Hurley at Please Share!

I'd like to blow up the request line for this station!!!!!

"Living This Dream"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

FREE Download!!!!


We are about to get back to business!!! We had a great weekend turnout with the radio interview.  I thank you all so much as we "knocked it out of the park" according to the station's owners.  It really just showed that there are people who get the music and are taking this journey along with us.  Please know that we are releasing the new track "Won't Back Down" to radio very soon.  Please don't forget to call your local station to request it. Our goal here is the flood the world with the song's message - that there are those of use who follow the principles and the teachings of God and won't back down from that.   No matter what the world says, God's word is FINAL authority.  Also, we will be shooting the video for "Won't Back Down" Soon! To thank all of you for the crazy support you've been giving, please click the link to get your FREE copy of the music while it lasts!!!!

I would love to have all of you come participate in this shoot.  I'll give you plenty of notice, but I truly would like to see as many of you there as possible.  Its gonna be a great praise and worship party so PLEASE if you can attend the filming do attend!

"Living This Dream"

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Movement

I just wanted to thank everyone for tuning in to for the interview this past weekend.  According to their stats over 7500 people listened to the music.  This is yet another situation where I didn't do anything, but the spirit of God prepared a way for me anyway. 

I didn't ask to be interviewed.  They called me.  So all I have is gratitude.  I guess its more and more evidence of the Grace of God.  All the things that we don't and didn't deserve he has prepared for us.  All we need to do is receive it.  And God is giving me new ideas and new music and taking me in directions that I didn't think I would go.  People are having trouble classifying the music.  The appeal is so broad they don't know where to put it.  Different people hear different things.  Some call it funk, Some call it rock, some call it jazz.  I call it Praise... Nouveau Praise, that is.  It seems that we've started a movement... the Nouveau Praise Movement.  Simply bringing the Gospel back to Gospel Music.  No more pronoun gospel.  No more of that I give my praise to "him" or I thank "you" for whatever.  Let's get back to the word of God and pulling from the scripture or the voice of God to create music that will change and inspire people.  NO, I don't frown on the rhythms and the bass in Gospel music.  I DO frown on that stuff that's simply meant to make money.  That stuff that has no spirit, no anointing from God and is built to cross over to secular radio.  Stick with what God says and the finances will come.  I'm rambling... sorry. 
I'm looking forward to the next phase of this.  I'm so looking forward to taking the Nouveau Praise message to the world.  People need to hear how much God loves them.  People need to hear that God doesn't want them to suffer and be broke.  They need to hear that being saved doesn't mean being in poverty and agony 'til the day you die.  It means that God wants you to succeed on every level.  It means that when you fall you're not doomed, you have a savior who loves you, who will defend you and stand with you.  God is real.  Thank you for helping me take this movement around the world. 

"Living This Dream"

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Interview & Music Review!!!

Please Join me! I got some airtime on Ivybe Radio. I would truly appreciate your tuning in and listening as I share about my life and this journey that God has put me on. So at 7:00pm EST THIS Saturday September 6th on "In Session" on Its a Candid interview & music review that I hope you will enjoy. - Come listen! Bring a Friend!

"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Enjoy the Journey

Hello all!!!!!

Been a long time, I'm sorry.  I'm doing too much, that's all.  I honestly do need to stop wearing so many hats.  I need to start trusting the others that God has brought into my life to handle their jobs.  Basically I just need to chill.  I just taped an interview with iVybe radio.  It will air not this Saturday, but the following at 8:00pm.  They will preview some of the music and just chat about my vision.  I HOPE that I conveyed the right messages.  Just be in prayer for me.  Check it out please!  It will air Saturday, September 6th at 08:00pm EST and replay Sunday, September 7th at 3:00pm EST  Tune in!

I got a revelation.  Say... you see a movie before everyone else.  You know that the disgusting louse of the movie becomes the compassionate hero above heroes at the end.  So when you finally watch the movie with everyone else, you actually look over every disgusting, offensive thing he does because you already know what he's to become - even though everyone else in the room HATES this guy.  That's how God sees us.  He KNOWS what we will be in spite of what were are now.  He sees our end from the beginning. Where you are now will NEVER be as powerful as where God is taking you.  Enjoy the journey.

"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Discussions on the music "Cool"

This song is one of my closet favorites because of how technical the music is.  Writing things like this spoke to all the training I've had over the years.  I felt like this piece of music would make my mentors (Alphonza Kee, Matthew Nichol) proud of me on some levels.  Mind you, I didn't write this trying to impress anyone.  I was waking up from a dream and God showed me a vision of my hands playing the main piano rif.  I got up and tried to mimic what I was hearing and seeing in my spirit. It was only after analyzing it that I thought they'd be proud to see where I'm grown to.  And yes, I know... it isn't my growth, its just what God gave me at the time.  But that's how it is with ALL of the music I have.  The blessing on this is that Alphonza Kee actually played the bassline (Hallelujah!!!) on the song.  God has put so many powerful musicians in my path.  Anyway, the song came out so smooth and laid back.  Those times when you shut out the world and just relax in the presence of God.  You're not asking for anything from him, you're just nuzzling in his bosom... warm. safe.

What if we put on mercy kindness humbleness of mind
Forgiving.  Forbearing one another 'til the end of time
And don't let the unclean thing reign in your heart but sing praises unto God.
Hymns and psalms and spiritual songs, singing with Grace in your heart
And let the peace of God rule in your heart and most of all put on his love
Set your sights on all that is right and keep your eyes on the prize above
What if we was cool like that with God's love in our hearts
Reigning in young and old until the day that we depart

(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Thinkin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love

(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Prayin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love

What if we let his Glory shine in our everyday
Feelin' our hearts with worship songs and thoughts of peace and praise
What if we was cool like that with God's love in heart
Reigning in young and old until the day that we depart

Before I knew you Lord you gave your life for me
By your stripes I'm healed your blood washed my sins clean
Now I love you Lord with everything I am
It would be so cool if we all loved each other the same

(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Thinkin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love
(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Prayin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love

(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Thinkin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love
(What if we was cool)
What if we was cool?  Lovin' like we 'sposed to
Prayin' 'bout you more than I do me that Jesus kinda love

I write because God loves me so much that he gives me music from his heart.  All I gotta do is write it down.  I'm writing this with tears in my eyes now because that thought overwhelms me.  I'm some bent kid from nowhere.  And God bless me with the most powerful gifts.  Overwhelmed.

"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

This is why...

Sometimes it seems like I am wasting my time.  And then I get reminded about why I'm doing this.  I just got this today:

Curtis! I've been playing your music and mentioning you on several different areas of the social media world. I have interviewed and showcased many artists in the world. You constantly stand out to me since we met. Life is confusing. I consider myself rather logical and intelligent. Perhaps that is my weakness. Your music and passion inspires me. I struggle with "HIM" or perhaps it is me. I use to have a relationship with "GOD" I forgot! I'm still not sure what it is and no need to detail it. I just wanted you to know that you have reminded me to at least re-consider, Does that make sense? Thank you Curtis!

I appreciate it more than you know when I get letters telling me that my music moves you. It keeps me going. Sometimes moves me to tears, because it seems like God is re-affirming what I'm here for. For all of you who stand with me... Thank you. With all that I am... thank you.

"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Friday, May 9, 2014

USonUS interview

Hello all!!!

I just wanted to express my sincere thanks for all of you who are reading this blog and keeping up with me and supporting me.  Good things are happening and happening FAST!  You'll soon see what I'm talking about.  Just check out the UsonUS interview with Yours Truly!!!!

Thanks for your prayers and for taking this journey with me.  God bless all of you!  And don't worry, we'll get back on the music ( I know I know... I been lazy).

"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I want to be like him

My Pastor asked a question... "is Jesus Lord over your life?"  We know him as savior, as healer, as the gift giver... but is he truly Lord?  A Lord is someone who rules over something.  Be it lands or wealth or over individuals, a Lord has control over what he commands.  The question I had to ask is Jesus truly Lord over my life.  Yes he is my savior, my redeemer, my healer and conveyor of my blessings.  But is Jesus truly Lord?  If Jesus is Lord, then I don't do things that my Lord would not approve of.  When he speaks in my spirit, I truly honor his voice.  My Lord's commandment was that I love God with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind... and love my neighbor as I do myself.  And if Jesus was truly Lord over my life - that's the way I would truly live my life.  I would take every action before God because he is Lord.  I would take every dream before Jesus because he is Lord and I desire to know what he would have me do or not do in my own dreams.  If he is truly Lord, then I honor him with the way I live my life, with the way I show his love to others.  The way I show HIM to others.  The things I desire most.  The things I work the hardest for:  that's Lord.  If I desire to be famous more than I desire to please God, then fame is Lord!  If I desire to be rich and I spend all of my energy chasing prosperity, then prosperity is Lord!  If I obtain the fame, and sell out everything in the process, I have the fame, but I don't have my place in heaven which is what I've been doing all of this for, right???  If I get the wealth and I lose my relationships with my family, my friends, my GOD... what is any of this worth.  Interestingly enough the Bible doesn't tell me that having a desire for all of this is wrong.  What it does say is "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you..."So all I got to do is allow Jesus to be Lord of my life - do the things that my spirit truly desires anyway and then he will overtake me with all of the things that my flesh desires.  I learned a while ago that all of the things I wanted so badly mean nothing.  Wealth gives me options to do and to obtain, but nothing I was able to do or to obtain could fill the places where God was absent.  I also learned that I become like what I chase. This is why I chase God.  I want to be like him.  Everything else... is just stuff he drops on me because he loves me.


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Discussions on the music (Lamb Most High)

This one of my favs on this project.  I Love to sing this song. Its a praise to God and people just abandon themselves to Glorify God.  They forget about me.  They forget where they are.  You can see the transformation as they leave their surroundings to go be one with God.  As the song ends, it moves into this worship experience because we just cut the music and let those Hallelujahs ring throughout the place.  People with their hands in the air, tears streaming down their faces worshipping God.  I always feel like I'm intruding when we have to start playing again.  I always feel like we should just leave... maybe I should start playing this track last.  

Its a good thang
to give thanks
And sing praises 
to the Lamb Most High

The one who shows his
Loving kindness
The one who's faithful
to us morning noon and night

Just open up your heart
and greet him with your 
(hands held high)
Confess his goodness to the children of men

Tell him you love him
And you're grateful Jesus
(came to die)
Glory and honor to the one who cleansed you of your sin

Glory Glory
Glory Glory
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High
Honor and Majesty
Strength and beauty
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High

Lord God of our salvation
The One who is who was and
(Is to come)
Ruler of every nation
The Lord Reigneth
And before him there can be no other one

Glory Glory
Glory Glory
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High
Honor and Majesty
Strength and beauty
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the 
judgments of the Lord are true and righteous together.
More to be desired are they than  silver and fine gold 
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in the 
keeping of them there is a great reward. Let the words of my 
mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in
 your sight, and pleasing unto God

Glory Glory
Glory Glory
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High
Honor and Majesty
Strength and beauty
Hallelujah to the Lamb Most High

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah

Trust me, I don't want to interrupt - as I'm in that place with them.  The Bible says the spirits of the prophet are subject to the prophet... which means you control what happens inside of  you.  God doesn't make you run around the church and run into walls.  That's not the Holy Spirit. That's you.  So I have to stay in control of me. I have to close out the performance... But I love being there.  I love being in the presence of God.  I feel like nothing could touch me.  I feel like I could step out onto the air over the audience and walk straight to the throne of God.  There are times when I sing the song that I can almost see God sitting on his throne enjoying the music.  Maybe that's imagination... But I would love that so much.  I love to please God with the gifts he's given me.  


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jesus Is Always the Solution

I got a revelation. Remember the Bible story where the disciples and Jesus were in a boat crossing a river and a storm hit? Luke 22-25  "... Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.  
Everybody who's explained the story to me always focussed on the power of God.  How he was so anointed that even the wind and sea obeyed him.  They focus on how the disciples lacked faith, but never told us how they lacked faith.  They would say that they didn't believe what Jesus said, but never explained that fully either.  I often wondered why Jesus wasn't troubled being in a ship that was sinking.  Why, if he wasn't worried all of this time, did he have to come and rebuke the elements?  The answer to this I found in Matthew 14:24-25 "But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea..." I'm trying to explain the place where Jesus was at this point in his spiritual walk and I truly hope I can convey this clearly.  In Matthew 14, he walked on the water.  It wasn't as if he learned at that point that he could do this.  Once he was fully empowered with the Holy Ghost he could do all things.  So he got in the boat with his disciples that night and went to sleep because EVEN IF THE BOAT SANK... THEY WOULDN'T HAVE!!!!  Sorry, I got excited.  He could walk on water.  So what if the boat sank?  Who cares?  That just meant that he'd have to cross the sea on foot.  It didn't mean that he would drown.  If the disciples had believed wholly in him, they wouldn't have drowned either.  The only reason he had to get up and speak to the elements is because his disciples spoke death upon themselves "MASTER WE PERISH!"  "Jesus, we're going to die!" If Jesus gives you something even though you can't see it coming to pass, its not a test of your faith to him.  Its a test of your faith for YOU.  He has the answer and already knows the PERFECT solution to whatever the issue is.  The only one who needs convincing is YOU.  That test of your faith is so that the next time you face something... you can relax and say "God has this... I just need to obey and believe.  Believe and Obey.  He'll do all the rest.  The disciples didn't need to do anything to get across that sea except believe that Jesus could get them there. And he was back there asleep because no matter what the elements did, he was in no danger.  He was always the solution.  I'm rambling.  I hope I was able to convey what I learned.  But then again... maybe this is just for me. 


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Constant Reminder

I had a good conversation with a friend that I hadn't spoken to since my college days.  He complimented me on my "fame" and told me how proud he was of me about how I looked and what I was doing.  He talked about how different the music was and how even though he didn't listen to a lot of "religious" music, mine spoke to him and he could listen to it.  I tried to explain to him, probably unsuccessfully, that even though this was what I wanted, I couldn't take any of the credit for what I have.  The music that I have comes from outside of me.  It comes from the presence of God and his influence on my life.  I've had people that I admire (Producer, Bassist, Jazz MONSTER Alphonza Kee) compare my chord changes to John Coltrane and other "Ouster" type artists.  I don't consider myself on the same planet as these greats. But its becoming more and more obvious to me that God is no respecter of persons.  He'll use whoever is willing to go with him.  He can use me however he sees fit.  I'm having  a GREAT time now.  
It was awesome talking to my boy, and this was yet another reminder that God is doing this - not me.  I have been playing music since I was eleven years old.  But nothing of what I was taught comes close to what I have now.  Its amazing to me that different people listen to the music and hear different things - even different musical styles.  I've heard people call this reminiscent of Jazz, R&B, Funk, ect.  It speaks to different people in different "musical voices"? Not that I'm making the comparison, but what comes to mind is the day of Pentecost when the holy Ghost fell upon Peter and other the men gathered in prayer in Acts 2: 6 - 9  "Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" These men heard different things from men all speaking in the language of the spirit of God.  And even though these men were from different countries and cultures, they heard a language that spoke to them, that they could understand.  The spirit of God is using this musical gift, this "Nouveau Praise" to reach people in ways I couldn't imagine.  People are hearing what speaks to them in the "musical language" that appeals to them the most.  And its all the same music.  Another constant reminder of how God is in control of this.  I just need to relax and let it be... just enjoy the ride as my good friend The Reverend Doctor Maria Franklin has told me. Thank you Pastor for Sharing that with me.  Another constant reminder... God has this.  


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :) 