Monday, October 17, 2016

Goodnight and other musings...

Okay so I'm up...

I said I would get up and write down the music from now on.  Its a quarter to four and I just finished tapping out another melody that woke me up.  It doesn't matter how much sleep I've had... how tired I am... I wake up to something playing in my spirit.   I hear the harmonies, the bass lines, the voices... I can't make out the words... something about "Paul was his name.." not sure.  But that's how it is with me and music.  Its like I wake up at the tail end of a conversation that people were having in the room unknowing that I was there asleep.  I hear the last thing they said just as I am waking.  What I heard tonight (this morning?) sounded like the end of theme for a TV show or a movie cut.  I dunno.  I'm gonna try to go back to sleep now.  By the way,  please check out the latest release #LoveMakesYouReal.  If you check it out in iTunes, please rate it.  
Also, there's a photo spread and music review in LOV3RZ Magazine pgs 22-23!

God is good!!!  Goodnight you guys!


ps. Check me on twitter :) 

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