I get lost in the love of God sometimes. It amazes me that he would imprison himself in flesh just to save me. He allowed himself to be tortured beyond anything any human being has experienced before or since - just to save me. He experienced overwhelming fear, so much so that he sweated blood, but he did it anyway - just to save me. And according to the Bible, he still bears those wounds - nail holes in his hands and feet, a spear in his side. Humiliated by the children he loved. Hated by the children he loved - just to save me. And the Bible says he endured the cross with joy??? Wow. He took the power of death, hell and the grave. And now gives me the power to become one of the sons of God, to be children of light. Ephesians 5:8 says "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light..." The amplified Bible says this means that we should walk as children of light - walk as if we had NEVER sinned. By just believing on the sacrifice of Jesus, God looks at me like I have NEVER committed a sin. Purified to perfection by the blood of Jesus. That's the love of God. That's the power of the blood of Jesus. Like I said, I'm overwhelmed sometimes. This is the start of the fire. Thank you guys for hanging with me on this journey. Its been a long one, but I believe we are ready to launch now. God is good!
Check out the lyric video #LoveMakesYouReal Video
Here's the Acoustic version of the song Acoustic Version of the Song
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