Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hit Me Up!

Greetings All!

You know... I have just been yattering on for months now.  I'm getting a little bored with my own voice here.  To be honest, i'd like to hear from you guys!  I'd like to know what's going on with you.  How are you feeling?  How are you doing? Is there anything that I can pray with you about?  I'll get back to talking about me and this journey in a few, but right now I want to know about you.  Drop me a line.  If you want to just talk about the music and what the "Si-Dubb Machine" is doing, that's fine as well.  If you want to talk about what you'd actually like to see from me (or from us actually), let me know.  Drop your comments or questions in the comments section below and I will check and answer this blog daily.
But on to what's happening now, we are trying to put together a forty city tour for the fall.  The more momentum it gains, the longer we'll be out there.  Going to do a major push on the "Won't Back Down" video and... OHHHHH!  EXCITEMENT!!! There is a song on the Resist Project called "One True Miracle" The original arrangement was nice, but it was in a bad key for me and the artist who appears with me.  We did it anyway.  It turned out bad, but its still on the CD.  I LOVED the words to the song, but the track just didn't work with the way I feel music and it kept EATING at me.  So I got with my favorite pianist - Dr. Ronald Monroe - and voiced my displeasure.  I told him the song was in the wrong key for me and it needed changes and a vamp to make it "go places".  He agreed.  We wrote new music in a MUCH more comfortable key, added changes and a SWEET vamp at the end and now we have a hit song!  I KNOW its a hit song because church members were shouting over it and had never heard it before.  It was wonderful!  So I'm going to re-release it as a single and SOON! The title is "Love Makes You Real (one true miracle remix).  I am so excited about this song!  God is so good to me because I was so disappointed at how that track came out.  But God is good!  It now has the power and the anointing that lets people free themselves and worship God.  I feel so good about this now!  But I will let you know as soon as its up!  In the mean time, hit me up with your questions, comments and feelings.  I'll hit you back, I promise!


"Living This Dream"

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Down for whatever

I've been thinking.  I know, I know... I shouldn't do that.  LOL.  I learned something recently.  I'm quoting a Pastor.  I don't even know his name, but the word he brought was so dramatic that I can't stop thinking about it.  He was speaking from the latter chapters of Matthew... when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane and he gave some clarity about the cross.  I knew what he was saying as I've heard it all of my life, but for some reason it resonated with me differently that night and won't leave my spirit. I mean, it isn't new information. I've heard it before I even sang about it in a song, called "AnyWay"...  So I understood the message.
Anyhoo... he was talking about the sacrifice that Christ made for this world. He spoke about the reluctance that Christ had to being crucified.  But his reluctance didn't have to do with dying or even the suffering.  His reluctance had to do with being out of the presence of God.  The only he couldn't deal with was God turning his back on him.  That was why he cried out to God from the cross in Matthew 27... "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  God turned his back on Jesus.  He removed him from his presence.  He put Jesus through the experience of being out of the presence of God - so that we would never have to be.  God had a choice - either let Jesus face this for three days, or let mankind face it for all eternity.  He chose us over Jesus.  I chose to make this personal... God chose me over Jesus.  He allowed his Son to suffer the pains of death (separation from God) so that I will never have to.  I have trouble not tearing up when I think about this.  God loves me more than I understand... probably more than I will ever understand.  I've been told that I should be speaking the word God as well as singing it.  After seeing that brother minister... I'm ready to do whatever God has for me.  When it comes to God the father, I'm down for whatever.  I'm a yielded vessel. Whatever God's plan is for my life... God's will be done.  

Saturday, July 18, 2015


I keep running into artist after artist that beg me to re-record my songs.  I wouldn't have a problem with it, if I were finished with my new project and promoting that.  But that new  project (BRANDED) is at the very least a year away.  Yes you can sing better than I do.  You have a better range and better tone and all of the frills that years of practicing riffs has given you.  But God gave this music to me. It is part of the message that he has given me to share.  It is my ministry.  They hear one of my songs and think "I can do that so much better than he can..." I'm sure they can.  But this isn't about delivery.  Its about ministry.  My songs fit together in a nice little puzzle.  The whole project has one overall message.  I found this out one day after everything was done. 
I took each song and wrote the scripture  that each verse was create from and wrote it next to the verse. I found that those scriptures were a cohesive message, but that message had nothing to do with the song.  The song I wrote was a kind of "sermon".  The scriptures that I used to create the verses, when laid out in the order they appear in the song, were a totally different sermon. It blew my mind. Two different message were coming to life in the songs I wrote.  
But anyway, I was thinking that it was my ego. That I simply didn't want to be out some place and hear someone say "that's sister or brother blah-blah's song".   I also considered the "business" of doing something like this.  It would net me double the revenue as I would be performing the song and the new artist would be doing it as well.  I prayed about it and I got my answer.  At this point, NO. When I finish the new project and start on that message, anybody who wants to record my old music may do so - after we take care of the paperwork of course!  LOL.  
I'm flattered that others want to do my music.  But my purpose for doing this is to create an atmosphere of HEATED praise and exhaustive worship.  That worship where they forget I'm even there. That worship where God enters and there's a tangible presence.  That heavy presence that breaks strongholds, removes burdens and breaks yokes of bondage.  That worship that people walk away from changed.  I'm looking to change lives, not entertain. And that is the reason I'm saying No.


"Living This Dream"

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Keeping my word

I said I would start posting more to keep you better informed about what's going on.  I'm trying to stay true to my word.  I'm working with a couple of other artists, writing music and lyrics for them.  It is truly my joy to write and produce.  After the Saturday night appearance, a guest bishop told me, "don't be discouraged... just keep going. Don't stop..."  I found that odd as there is no way that I would.  This is what I am, not just what I do.  I really don't know what else I could be if I wasn't playing music.  I mean, I'm sure I could do other things... I have other talents.  God has blessed me with a ton of other abilities.  But nothing excites or energizes me like music.  And NOTHING gives me more pleasure that giving God the glory through song.  Nothing sets my heart ablaze more than leading a group of people into praise and then into worship that takes off.  To me there is nothing better. I don't even have to do the work when it comes to this.  God gives me words, music and even lines me up with producers when necessary.  The path before me is clearly laid out, why would I want to do anything else? 
I will try to get some pictures from this past weekend to post for everybody.  I'm not sure how long that will take, but I will post them as soon as they are available to me.  I'll let you all know when that is.  
The next project is a live recording called "Love, Praise & Worship", it will feature everything that I have written so far... including the choir songs that no one has heard before. I'm looking forward to this and I have been for a very long time.  I feel like this will be an evening of Worship unleashed.  I will get to be in my element without restriction and it will all be recorded live!  The next studio project following is called "Branded"... as in having the influence of Jesus branded upon us all, having the cross branded upon our hearts.  It will be even more radical than the last project. 
But in the near future, we will be shooting the "Won't Back Down" video in September.  Its been WAY too hot to shoot it the last two months. 
This is something else I'm very excited about.  We will have a few celebrity cameos and everybody's gonna have a great time. Got a few t-shirts and water bottles to give away.  Its gonna be a good day.  If you are in the area and I will give the date in a later post, PLEASE come by and join us.  But 'til then, God bless you all and stay with me.


"Living This Dream"

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Yielded Vessel

Recently had an appearance in Columbia, SC, ministering at a church's anniversary.  The guest speaker was a well-known prophetess that I respect.  She ministered things over my life that I can't really see for myself, but I'm receptive to whatever God has for me to do.  What ever God's plan for my life is, I'm happy to follow.  But what she told me seems to conflict with everything that I've received from God in the past.  I dunno...  I will simply keep moving forward.  I will leave it to God confirm.
Hello all... its been a while and you deserve better.  Please forgive me.  I will do better at keeping you informed of what is going on.  Been a bit of an upheaval in my circle, but we will keep moving forward.  Personnel changes can throw you for a loop, but that's why you have to keep your eyes on God and not on people.  Its like the very first time Jesus told his disciples that he was the Son of God, the bread of life...  All walked away but the twelve.  No matter who walks away from you, you HAVE to KNOW that God called you, and God will propel the ministry forward.  KNOW that.  Get your eyes off of the people that surround and keep you eyes on God.
I had an awesome time in Columbia. I had people who've seen me minister time and time again tell me that this was different.  Perhaps it was, I wasn't really there.  I started stepping outside of myself when I go up.  I mean I do the usual... I warm up, I drink water and I usually do what's being called a "spirit leap" (I jump as high and as quickly as I can three times) before I go up... but that's the end of me.  From that point on, it feels like I'm watching everything unfold from behind my own eyes.  I hear the voice and know its my own... but it feels like if I sat down it would keep coming forth.  I hear myself say things that people respond to powerfully.  And I sometimes can't believe that came out of my mouth.  I keep hearing the phrase "pour it all out" in my spirit.  Everything that God has poured into me, I empty out on an audience... I pour everything in my spirit out.  And after the "show" i'm so spent I can barely stand up.  Trying to become a truly yielded vessel... like the song says "I give myself away so God can use me..."
I will be more proactive with this blog.  Will start adding some video too.  God bless you guys


"Living This Dream"

Monday, January 5, 2015

I'm Ready To Go

Okay.  I spent last week talking to a film producer about my next video.  A film producer?  We talked about her latest movie that's on the waiting list for the Sundance Festival.  And she is excitedly talking about shooting my video.  I give her the "treatment", my vision for what I want to see in the shoot.  She starts talking about my comfort level... that I need to move the shoot out of North Carolina.  She suggests that I move it to New York, or at the very least Atlanta.  She talks about asking if I should be wearing so many "hats" on a project and I confess its because I'm had to be in control in everything in order for it to come to pass.  She responds with "since I'm the director I'll be taking control of those responsibilities.  I'm kind of torn between feeling like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders and feeling like I'm being swept away by a tidal wave.  I have to say goodbye to all of my comfort zones.  Kind of like God telling Abraham to leave everything he knew in order to prosper him.  God took Abraham away from everything that could hold him back.  He took him to a place that he was unfamiliar with.  To a place that he had no control over.  He lead him to a place where only God himself could prosper him.  And the result was him coming forth with wealth.  I receive that blessing with everything that I am.  I strive this year to be everything that God has made me to be.  I'm getting back in shape.  I'm getting my voice to the best level its ever been.  This year the chains are off.  This year we roll top speed, no brakes. No Brakes! Keep listening to that song by Aloe blacc - I'm the Man.   "Well you can tell everybody, Yeah you can tell everybody, go ahead and tell everybody.  I'm the man, I'm the man, I'm the man..."  I'm believing that now only because its happening outside of my efforts.  I'm the Man because God has made opportunities materialize for me.  I'm the Man because God has prepared a place for me among the entertainment industry's elite.  I could NEVER have gotten here on my own.  I've had people in the music business tell me that I'm "leaning on my faith too much".  I look forward to telling them... "you can tell everybody I'm the man..." God is stronger than all that you will ever be.
Not arrogant.  Not lifted up.  I KNOW this has nothing to do with me.  I'm just the guy that God gave the basket of goodies to.  I'm not the man because of the gift.  I'm the Man because of the Giver!  Now I get to finally work with some people on a different level from my own.  I'm excited about finally getting out the fishbowl that is the city where I live.  I've always looked at this like its a global ministry.  God is good.  I'm ready to go.

"Living This Dream"