My Pastor asked a question... "is Jesus Lord over your life?" We know him as savior, as healer, as the gift giver... but is he truly Lord? A Lord is someone who rules over something. Be it lands or wealth or over individuals, a Lord has control over what he commands. The question I had to ask is Jesus truly Lord over my life. Yes he is my savior, my redeemer, my healer and conveyor of my blessings. But is Jesus truly Lord? If Jesus is Lord, then I don't do things that my Lord would not approve of. When he speaks in my spirit, I truly honor his voice. My Lord's commandment was that I love God with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind... and love my neighbor as I do myself. And if Jesus was truly Lord over my life - that's the way I would truly live my life. I would take every action before God because he is Lord. I would take every dream before Jesus because he is Lord and I desire to know what he would have me do or not do in my own dreams. If he is truly Lord, then I honor him with the way I live my life, with the way I show his love to others. The way I show HIM to others. The things I desire most. The things I work the hardest for: that's Lord. If I desire to be famous more than I desire to please God, then fame is Lord! If I desire to be rich and I spend all of my energy chasing prosperity, then prosperity is Lord! If I obtain the fame, and sell out everything in the process, I have the fame, but I don't have my place in heaven which is what I've been doing all of this for, right??? If I get the wealth and I lose my relationships with my family, my friends, my GOD... what is any of this worth. Interestingly enough the Bible doesn't tell me that having a desire for all of this is wrong. What it does say is "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you..."So all I got to do is allow Jesus to be Lord of my life - do the things that my spirit truly desires anyway and then he will overtake me with all of the things that my flesh desires. I learned a while ago that all of the things I wanted so badly mean nothing. Wealth gives me options to do and to obtain, but nothing I was able to do or to obtain could fill the places where God was absent. I also learned that I become like what I chase. This is why I chase God. I want to be like him. Everything else... is just stuff he drops on me because he loves me.
ps. Check me on twitter :)
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