Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sing along with me!

I started listening to the lyrics of the songs that I have written.  I'm currently putting together my favorite tracks for the live CD that we'll be recording someday.  As I listened... I mean really took a serious listen to the words again. I realized that I'm ministering to myself with each song.  The song may not always be about my spiritual experiences, but more so how God is telling me to approach situations that come up in the lives of others or in my own life.  I had a prophet once tell me that I am supposed to be an evangelist and that my musical career will grow out of that.  I understood what they meant - as the prophet observed that I "do a lot of preaching in (my) songs".  That's not my calling, but I do get it.  The Prophet was trying to say that my music ministry is deeper than simply being a "Christian Entertainer" and that's never been my goal in the first place.  This music means something to me.  It does because it affects my life.  It affects my behavior. It affects how I think.  It ministers to me because the music addresses the basic way that we as human beings are supposed to function.  One of the songs that speaks to me the most is a track called "the blood".  The hook line is "I'm free by the blood Christ shed for me..."  The chains that the devil tries to put on us ALL have no power over us because of the Blood of Jesus.  Poverty, lack, fear, inferiority, hate, worthlessness... loneliness - NONE of that has the power to destroy because of the blood of Jesus.  We may have been born in human bodies, but once you are born again, your spirit is perfect - Like Jesus is perfect.  You may be chained to some attack that the Devil has tossed your way, but the blood of Jesus is remedy.  Its the key, its the solution.  You are no longer subject to the sin that used to OWN you (another line from the song).  But it has to start in your heart (mind), then it comes out of your mouth and then you'll see it in your life.  The world calls it self fulfilling prophecy.  The Bible says in Proverbs 18;21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." You gotta speak what you want to see.  The only difference between you and I is I'm singing it.  Sing along with me.  See that change in your life too!


"Living This Dream"

ps. Check me on twitter :)  https://twitter.com/noizlevel 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Curtis-Wayne-Hurley/112043962154742
Pheed: https://www.pheed.com/noizlevel#qp,all,all
Myspace: https://myspace.com/curtiswaynehurley

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