Thursday, April 7, 2016

In Due Time

Be in prayer for me.  I'm working to put the new project together.  Its still NOT the live recording, I'm sorry.  We have a new single called "Love Makes You Real" that is making a lot of noise everywhere I go.  The plan is now to pull the current CD from the market and then repackage the best songs on it with the three new pieces that I have now.  God will do great things with this, I'm sure.  But what I need your prayers about is a possible upcoming tour.  Five months on the road covering about twenty countries.  I know, this is what I've been dying to do all of my life.  My hesitation only arises out of a sincere desire to only do God's will - not just chase my dreams.  I want to do this with everything in me.  Its only five months - not one of those two year tours that would keep me away from my family 'til my boys didn't recognize me anymore.  It seems the perfect little opportunity to chase my dreams before my children get to that desperation phase.  But pray that I'm hearing clearly from God and NOT being blinded by my own desires.  My desire is to truly be obedient to God - and if he says no, I will stay my happy butt right here.  Its been my life-long desire to do a world tour.  And if this is God, I'm going IN with a vengeance to proclaim his message and his love to the world.  If this is NOT God, I am smart enough to know that it would only hurt me.  So yes, be in prayer for me.
Love Makes You Real is such a beautiful song.  I hear it sometimes and I wonder why I have it.  People can't believe that it was written by little old me... sometimes I can't either.  It came from God and songs like that amaze me.  I'm excited for the world to hear it.  But all will come in due time.  This I know

ps. Check me on twitter :) 